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National Middle School Athletic Games Break
Children Equestrian Camp

4/25(二)~ 4/27 (四 )


🐴馬術個別化教學 🐴草原野外騎乘 

🐴趣味馬術科學 🐴生命互動學習 









As parents, you must carefully think about how to arrange some meaningful and interesting activities different from the ordinary  camps for your kids during the vacation. Why not try DaRi Equestrian Camp?

In our curriculum schedule, we include the skills of horse-riding from basic to advance. We hope to cultivate your children's riding ability step by step. Besides, we also provide professional knowledge about horses and horse-riding for your children. By interacting with horses, we believe that your children will have a deeper understanding of lives, as well as respect and cherish them.  

In addition, we also have some art activities for your children, including painting and decorating the horseshoes. We do hope to provide your children with a diversified and a totally different camp. 


Welcome to join us!



139 Lane 236, Yimin Road Section 2, 

Xinpu Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 305​

Session Enrollment:Minimum 4 campers / Maximum 12 campers
活動費用與優惠 Fee & Bonus
  1. 活動費用:『全中運在新竹』優惠價$12,000元 
  2. 舊生優惠:凡參加過大日馬術冬夏令營之舊生報名本體驗營者贈送價值$2,000元的40分鐘馬術課一堂 
  3. 接駁車費 : $1,500元 (以竹北區域為限,其他區域專案另外計價,請與我們聯繫)
  1. 'NMSAG at Hsinchu' special rate: NTD$12,000元 

  2. Return camper bonus: A 40-minute private session (NTD$2,000 value)

  3. Transportation Fees : NTD$1,500 (For Zhubei Area only. For other cities, please contact us)

報名 Enroll
活動須知 Camp Information
  • 4人即開班,每班上限12人。

  • 年齡:4-18歲。年齡差異不影響活動內容與學員學習成果

  • 裝備:可自備裝備或使用本場用具。

  • 褲子和鞋子:長褲(馬褲或運動褲為佳)和運動鞋或馬術騎士裝備

  • 特殊需求或飲食特殊需求:請於報名填寫資料時詳填。本場全場已投保相關保險。

  • 特殊疾病:須提前告知,並遵守活動中安全之規定。

  • 攜帶物品:每天1000ml的礦泉水或運動飲料、環保餐盒/水杯、健保卡、個人藥品、禦寒衣物。

  • 午餐及點心:由合格餐廚製作

  • 接送:請於表定時間準時接送孩子們。如有接駁需求請與我們聯絡

  • Session Enrollment:Minimum 4 campers / Maximum 12 campers

  • Ages: 4 to 18 (Age difference does not affect the activity contents and learning results.)

  • Tack: You can bring your own tack or use ours equipments.

  • Pants and shoes: long pants (breeches or sweatpants preferable) and athletic shoes or English riding apparel

  • Special or dietary needs: You must specify the needs in the enrollment form. Our camp had secured blanket insurance.

  • Certain medical conditions: You must inform us your certain medical conditions and follow our camp safety guidelines.

  • Things to bring: Lots of water or sports drinks, reusable meal prep containers, utensils and cup, NHI card, prescription or non-prescription medicines, and warm clothing

  • Camp lunch and snacks: Our nutritious lunch and snacks are catered by the restaurant, which meet food safety regulations. 

  • Pick-up and drop-off: Please be on time according to the session schedules. Contact us if you need shuttle service.

活動須知 Camp Information
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