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Classes are available in Mandarin, Taiwanese, English and Japanese

English Riding Lessons

Group Recreational Riding Lessons

  • 每人NT$12,000 / 10堂課

  • 四人即開班,一班最多八人

  • 課程時間:

    • 初階課程:週二 10AM ~ 11AM

    • 中階課程:週三 10AM ~ 11AM

    • 進階課程:週四 10AM ~ 11AM

  • 1小時課程內容含刷馬、備馬、洗馬及30分鐘騎乘課程

  • 四人以上團體,可與馬場協調客製時段

  • NT$12,000 per student for 10 sessions

  • Class size: 4 - 8 students

  • Schedule:

    • Beginning Level: Tuesday 10AM ~ 11AM

    • Intermediate Level: Wednesday 10AM ~ 11AM

    • Advanced Level: Thursday 10AM ~ 11AM

  • One-hour session including brushing, tacking up, washing a horse, and a 30-minute riding lesson

  • Flexible session hours available for groups of 5 or more students

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June 2023 照海華德福實驗教育機構馬場體驗15.jpg
20-Minute Beginner/Reentering Lesson 
  • 每節課NT$1,200

  • 針對兒童四歲(含)以上至成人無騎馬經驗及重新接觸馬術之學員

  • 一對一單節教學,教練依學員程度與需求規劃課程內容

  • 初學者在安全的環境和輕鬆的方式下學習及體驗騎馬的樂趣

  • 如適應習慣且喜(熱)愛,可以現場補足差額延長為40分鐘單堂課程

  • NT$1,200 / Session

  • For all ages (4 years old and up) novices or riders who are getting back in the saddle

  • One-on-one lesson tailored upon rider's skill and expectation

  • Safe environments and easy instructions

  • Possibility of paying the difference of the price and switching to a 40 minutes lesson upon the rider's progress

40-Minute One-On-One Riding Lesson
  • 每節課NT$2,000

  • 針對兒童四歲(含)以上至成人已有騎馬經驗之學員

  • 一對一單節英式馬術教學,教練依學員程度與需求規劃課程內容

  • 循序漸進及難易度滾動式調整教學方式給您優質且仔細的專屬課程

  • ​可買十堂以上套裝課程

  • NT$2,000 / Session

  • For experienced riders (4 years old and up)

  • One-on-one English riding lesson tailored upon rider's skill and expectation

  • High quality lessons with progressive instructional strategies

  • ​10-lesson package available

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Competition Training
  • 針對有意成為英式馬術職業或業餘選手的學員

  • 教練依學員程度規劃課程內容

  • 詳細內容,請聯絡我們

  • For riders who wish to participate in the competition rings

  • Individually designed program

  • Please contact us for more details

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