2023 馬術夏令營
今年夏天,我們要帶著孩子們在星空下來一場小小廚師的『星空料理實作』; 我們要帶著孩子們到『海邊騎馬戲浪』,到『草原漫步野餐』。孩子的童年稍縱即逝,值得我們為它創造精彩時刻,留下美好回憶!
As parents, you must carefully think about how to arrange some meaningful and interesting activities different from the ordinary camps for your kids during the vacation. Why not try DaRi Equestrian Summer Camp?
In our 2023 Summer Camp curriculum schedule, we include the skills of horse-riding from basic to advance. We hope to cultivate your children's riding ability step by step. Besides, we also provide professional knowledge about horses and horse-riding for your children. By interacting with horses, we believe that your children will have a deeper understanding of lives, as well as respect and cherish them.
In addition, we also have some art activities for your children, including painting and decorating the horseshoes. We do hope to provide your children with a diversified and a totally different camp.
Welcome to join us!
活動地址: 大日馬術文創園區
Location: DaRi Equestrian
🦄五日營火晚會梯次: $24,000
5-Day Camp + Campfire Party
5A:7/17(ㄧ)~ 7/21(五)
5B:8/07(一)~ 8/11(五)
🦄五日營隊: $22,500
5-Day Camp
5C:7/10(一)~ 7/14 (五)
5D:8/21(一)~ 8/25(五)
🦄三日營隊: $13,500
3-Day Camp
3A:7/04(二)~ 7/06(四)
3B:7/25(二)~ 7/27(四)
3C:8/01(二)~ 8/03(四)
3D:8/15(二)~ 8/17(四)
Transportation Fee
1. 竹北地區
3日營隊交通接駁車費用 $1,500 /人
5日營隊交通接駁車費用 $2,500/人
2. 新竹地區
3日營隊交通接駁車費用 $2,100/人
5日營隊交通接駁車費用 $3,500/人
3. 外縣市地區: 接駁車專案另外計價,請與我們聯繫。
4. 接駁費用含營隊期間每日來回共兩趟之接送,若自行放棄其中ㄧ或數趟之接駁,視為自動放棄,恕無法退予單趟接駁之費用。
5. 交通費用恕不適用折扣
1. Zhubei Area
3-Day Camp: $1,500 per person
5-Day Camp: $2,500 per person
2. Hsinchu Are
3-Day Camp: $1,500 per person
5-Day Camp: $2,500 per person
3. For other cities, please contact us.
4. Fee is nonrefundable. It includes two trips (to and back) per day during each camp period.
5. Transportation Fee is not eligible for discount.
1. 請填寫報名表單
2. 完成匯款
匯款帳戶 : 台北富邦銀行新竹分行(012)
匯款號碼 : 8212 0000 0835 20
帳戶名稱 : 大日馬術股份有限公司
3. 加大日官方Line告知報名學員姓名與匯款帳號
1. Submitting your online enrollment form.
2. Wire transfer fees.
Bank : Taipei Fubon Bank(012)
Account Number :8212 0000 0835 20
Account Name: 大日馬術股份有限公司
3. Add DaRi Equestrian LINE Official Account and send us the name of the camper and the bank account number used for wire transferring fees.
Camp Information
開班人數:四人 。每班上限12人。
Session minimum enrollment: 4 (maximum 12)
Ages: 4 to 18
Special or dietary needs: You must specify the needs in the enrollment form. Our camp had secured blanket insurance.
Certain medical conditions: You must inform us your certain medical conditions and follow our camp safety guidelines.
Things to bring: Reusable meal prep containers, utensils and water bottle, NHI card, prescription or non-prescription medicines, a change of clothes, and a small blanket.
Camp lunch and snacks: Our nutritious lunch and snacks are catered by the restaurant, which meet food safety regulations.
Pick-up and drop-off: Please be on time according to the session schedules. Contact us if you need shuttle service.